Allendale Robotics is excited to announce that a new team is joining their FLL program for the 2015 season! The Royal Robotic Rebels, an all-girls 4-6th grade team, will be competing alongside the Lego Titans and Circuit breakers this year. This team is coached by female professionals in the STEM field, and supported by our female students on the high school team.
Throughout the years, we’ve noticed that the number of boys on our teams greatly outnumber the girls – and our goal is to one day have a program that is 50% boys and 50% girls. This FLL team is one step that we’re taking that is helping us reach that goal. Coached by one of our high school FRC students, the Royal Robotics Rebels is comprised of 5 girls that are always excited to learn about robots!
This year’s FLL challenge is called “Trash Trek” and it helps to teach kids to be mindful of their trash. The goal of “Trash Trek” is to help students to understand where their trash goes when they throw it away. For FLL, all of our teams are tasked with a research project and also building a robot to play a game on a themed board. All three of our FLL teams have started working hard on coming up with a unique solution to this problem.
Our FLL teams are excited for the upcoming season, and are competing at the Zeeland Event in late November.

3 of the girls working on building their first prototype for their robot