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VEX 123

VEX 123 Logo

About VEX 123

Our VEX 1-2-3 program is for our K-2nd Grade Students. This program will take coding off the screen and bring it to life! Students will use scratch block programming to move their robot around the field. We might not have any teams yet, but we are eagerly looking for students to start this program!

VEX 1-2-3 will provide students an introduction to robots without the use of a computer.  The VEX 1-2-3 program is presented in a classroom type environment and lessons and work with the students using a VEX Coder and Coder cards give students a tangible way to build projects, share ideas, and learn coding concepts in fun and engaging ways.  The VEX 1-2-3 program will have 1 robot per 2 students and be overseen by parent volunteers.