Our Teams

Allendale Robotics is comprised of five different age group teams!


FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC Team 4003 – The TriSonics). On the FRC team, the students will learn about teamwork, problem solving, strategies, fabrication, design, programming, business, promotion, presenting, and more.  On our FRC team we have (4) sub-teams: Marketing / Business, Build/Fabrication, Design Engineering, and Programming / Electrical. 


VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) is a program where the students take what is learned at advance it through the building and programming medium scale (18” cube) sized robots out of metal extrusions along with numerous motors and sensors to compete in alliances against other alliances on a 12’ x 12’ field.  In the VRC program, students will have the opportunity to learn robot programming using both a Visual Scratch-based language and Python (structured language) depending on their interests and development level.  Students will build the robots based off their ideas to best complete the design challenges for the games.  In the game robots will be programmed to run a 15 second autonomous routine and then to be controlled and operated by a student.  The VRC program will have teams of 4-5 students per robot and teams will be facilitated by parent volunteers.


Our VEX 1-2-3 program is for our K-2nd Grade Students. This program will take coding off the screen and bring it to life! Students will use scratch block programming to move their robot around the field. We might not have any teams yet, but we are eagerly looking for students to start this program!


Our VEX GO program is for our 2-3rd Grade Students. The VEX GO Competition is a competition that takes place right in the classroom. The students will go head-to-head in online challenges that drive them to put their STEM skills to the test in a uniquely engaging setting. Along the way, they’ll learn scientific concepts, teamwork, and perseverance.


VEX IQ will bring the students into building robots out of kits of parts to compete on a 6’x8’ field against other teams.  With the VEX IQ program students will learn more about the mechanics of building to create, with their cooperative imagination, a robot to complete the tasks for the challenge.  The students will learn to program their robots, using a scratch based visual programming language, to interact with a game controller and to run completely autonomous routines used in both a 2-player cooperative events and in Robot Skills (student driven) and Programming (autonomous) challenges.  The VEX IQ teams will be competing with local teams in a League environment along with Qualification event with advancement opportunities.  The VEX IQ team sizes are 3-4 students per robot and have parent volunteers to facilitate the teams.