First LEGO League JR.

About Jr. FLL

First LEGO League JR. Collage

For the youngest members of Allendale Robotics, we offer our Jr. FLL program! Our Jr. FLL teams typically meet a couple hours a week for 6-8 weeks. The students learn all about the engineering process, and work on a project! At the end of the season, all of our parents and coaches gather and the students present what they’ve learned.

Competed As:

Our Subteams

Communication Team

Communication and presentation skills are worked on with students. First, individual communication skills are worked on with exercises that have the students build models out of LEGO's and describe it to the rest of the team. In the project, the students learn to work together on presenting to larger groups.

Core Values Team

Learn about Team Work and the FLL Jr. Core Values. Students participate in team building exercises and learn to work together to accomplish great tasks. During the season, the students will also learn about the values that FIRST has set for FLL and FLL Jr.

Project Team

With the season theme, the team will select a topic to research and learn about. Once the team learns about the subject, the team will build a model, out of LEGO's, with one motion based object to represent their findings. The team will then create a short presentation to give to family, friends, and at an Expo.