First LEGO League

About First LEGO League

2018: Into Orbit

Our FLL program is a great opportunity for everyone! Geared toward 4th-5th graders, the students are given a research question and a robot game to play. The students are tasked with creating a solution to a current world problem that scientists are working on, and they design and build a robot to play a game on a thematic board. This program is supported by our older groups as well – our teams are usually coached and assisted by the older students on our high school team!

Competed As:

Our Subteams

Core Values Team

Team members work on learning about teamwork and the Core Values of FLL. The team members will perform team building activities during meetings to help them understand and learn about the working as a team. At the competition the team will be judged on their Core Values through a team building activity and answering questions with the judges.

Research Project Team

In FLL, the team works on a project based off the theme of the current season. The project will take the students through research on the topic to understand the subject and the problems and existing solutions that exist. From this, the team will work together to create a new solution for one of the problems researched. The team will also create a visual board, presentation, and project book. At the competition, the team will present their project to a group of judges.

Technical Team

The team will work with the LEGO Mindstorm EV3 Robotic systems to design and program a robot to complete challenges. on a 4' x 8' playing field with LEGO built components. The robot is built out of the Mindstorm components (motors, sensors, EV3) and beam style LEGOS using their own designs. The programming is done using a visual block programming style with simple and complex programming opportunities. The students will also do a technical presentation to judges at the event.