Allendale Hosts 3rd Annual FTC Competition
Allendale FTC Team HexaSonics Competing at their home competition Allendale is proud to host for the 3rd year the Annual Allendale FTC competition with this year’s game: Velocity Vortex! 35
Allendale FTC Team HexaSonics Competing at their home competition Allendale is proud to host for the 3rd year the Annual Allendale FTC competition with this year’s game: Velocity Vortex! 35
On October 1st, many of the Grand Rapids FRC teams gathered in Wyoming to compete in the Grand Rapids All Girls’ Robotics Competition. These teams used their robots from last
Each year, the Allendale Robotics teams strive to attend the World Championship in St. Louis. This year, our FRC team – the TriSonics – were excited to get the opportunity
The TriSonics are having their best season yet, and this weekend’s competition is no different. In Grand Rapids, MI at the Delta Plex, Michigan FIRST Robotics teams have gathered to
The Grand Rapids Mini Maker Faire is one of Allendale Robotics’ favorite thnigs to do every year! What is more fun than a bunch of science lovers gathering together for
Allendale Robotics is a robotics program located in Allendale, MI. Our goal is to provide quality programs for all students grades K-12. On our teams, younger students are coached by parent volunteers and out older age students are mentored by professionals that teach them the fundamentals of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics programs. We hold our students to the highest standards, and value community outreach and volunteer work. We equip our students with the knowledge to succeed after high school in whatever career choice they choose. If your student loves to learn and is always curious – an Allendale Robotics program may be the right fit for them!